The scoring task input
table is a data table whose input is used by the scoring task to score
a single model. The scoring task input table must contain the variables
and input data for the variables that the model requires. Typically,
a scoring table is identical to its corresponding train table except
that the target variables in the train table are not included in the
scoring table.
A scoring task output
table is a prototype table that defines one or more input and output
variables whose values contain the scoring results. You can create
a scoring output table using the Create Output Table function directly
from the model in the Project Tree or you can write and execute a
DATA step. If you create the table using the Project Tree, SAS Model
Manager registers the table in the SAS Metadata Repository or saves
the table to a library on a local Workspace Server or network drive.
You can view the table in the Data Sources category view of SAS Model
Manager. After SAS Model Manager creates the table, the table can
be selected as the output table for subsequent scoring tasks. If you
create the scoring output table using a DATA step, you must register
the table in the SAS Metadata Repository using SAS Management Console
or ensure that the table resides in a library that is defined to SAS
Model Manager.
Depending on the mode
in which a scoring task is run, the scoring task output table might
be used as the results table. A SAS Model Manager scoring task can
run in test mode, which is the default mode, or it can run in production
mode. In both test mode and production mode, a scoring task output
table is used by the scoring task to define the structure of the scoring
results table. When the task runs, it creates a scoring results table.
In test mode, the scoring results table is stored in the SAS Model
Manager model repository, and you view the table under the scoring
task node in the version
Scoring Tasks folder.
The scoring task output table is not updated in test mode. In production
mode, the contents of the scoring task output table are replaced by
the contents of the scoring results table. The scoring results table
is not stored in the SAS Model Manager model repository.