To edit an aggregated
report, follow these steps:
Expand the
Documents folder.
Right-click the aggregated report and select
Edit Aggregated
Report. The
Edit Aggregated Report window
Modify the report definition:
In the
Name field,
modify the name.
(Optional) In the
Description field,
enter a description for the report.
Click the
Format list
box and select an output format. The default is PDF.
To add reports to the
report definition, select the report in the
items box and click the single right arrow.
To delete reports from
the report definition, select the report from the
items box and click the single left arrow. To remove
all reports, click the double left arrow.
To order the reports,
select a report and use the up and down arrows.
Right-click the aggregated
report name and select
Generate Aggregated Report.
A message appears to indicate whether the report was generated. If
it was successful, click
Close. If it was
not successful, click
Details to view the
SAS log.