The Process of Monitoring Champion Models

Your project plan might include a schedule to monitor the champion model performance, or your plan might require that you monitor the performance at any time. For each time period that you monitor the champion model, you take a snapshot of the data for that time period and use that data as the performance data source for creating the monitoring reports.
You can create the monitoring reports from the Project Tree in the SAS Model Manager window by creating and executing a performance task, or you can submit batch programs to create the reports. Both methods require the same information. If you run batch programs to create the reports, you can find example programs in the sashelp.modelmgr.source catalog. These reports filenames are reportexamplex, where x is a number from 1 to 4.
The following table lists the tasks that are required to create performance reports:
Reports Created by Using the Define Performance Task Wizard
Reports Created Using SAS Programs Run in Batch
Create a folder structure for report files
The folder structure is inherent in the Project Tree. No action is necessary.
Create a folder structure on a local computer.
Obtain performance data
The performance data is a SAS data set that is snapshot of model output. It must be registered in SAS Management Console.
The performance data is used to assess model prediction accuracy. It includes all of the required scoring input variables as well as one or more actual target variables. You can store performance data sets anywhere as long as they can be accessed by the SAS session that runs the batch program. The data set does not need to be registered with SAS Management Console.
Ensure access to the champion model
This process is performed by the Define Performance Task wizard. No action is necessary.
Run the %MM_GetModels() macro to extract the champion model in a channel to the local computer.
Map model and project output variables.
Map the model and project output variables using the Project Tree.
Map the model and project output variables using the Project Tree.
Define report specifications
The report specification are derived from project data and input that you specify in the Define Performance Task wizard. The wizard generates the SAS code to create the performance reports.
Write the following DATA steps:
  • mm_jobs.project
  • mm_jobs.emailaddr
  • mm_jobs.reportdef
  • mm_jobs.jobtime
Specify the report execution operational environment
The operational environment is known to SAS Model Manager. No action is necessary.
Define the required macro variables that are used by the %MM_RunReports() macro.
Run the reports
Execute the code that was generated by the Define Performance Task wizard. The data sets that underlie the monitoring reports are stored in the Resources folder.
Create a DATA step that points to the performance data sets and execute the %MM_RunReports() macro. The data sets that underlie the monitoring reports are stored in the Resources folder when the reports are created in production mode. In Test mode, the monitoring reports data sets reside in the location specified in the mm_jobs.project data set.
View the reports
Select the version Performance folder to view the reports.
Select the version Performance folder to view the reports.