Create a Simple Ad Hoc Report

In this exercise, you create a PDF file to display the macro variables that are available in the SAS Model Manager reporting environment:
  1. In the <drive>/Tutorial7/Samples folder, open the tutorial example report in a text editor.
  2. Copy the code from
  3. Log on to SAS Model Manager.
  4. Open the Create Ad Hoc Report window:
    1. Expand the Tutorial2 folder, the Delinquency project, and the 2012 version.
    2. Right-click the Reports folder and select Reportsthen selectCreate Ad Hoc Report.
  5. In the Create Ad Hoc Report window, select Model 1 in the Select Models table.
  6. In the SAS Editor, paste the code that you copied in Step 2.
  7. In the Name field of the Report Properties table, enter RptVars.
    The Create Ad Hoc window
  8. Click OK. SAS Model Manager creates the report. Click Close in the information message. SAS Model Manager then highlights and expands the Reports folder.
  9. To view the report, expand the new report RptVars, right-click RptVars.pdf, and select Open.
Here is page 2 of the PDF report output:
A simple ad hoc report