Using the Annotations View

In this exercise, you use the Annotations view to examine the time-stamped event log, add text information to a model component, and examine the synopsis of the project and model reports. The Annotations view is the lower left pane of the SAS Model Manager window.

View History

To view the event log for the different components of a project, follow these steps:
  1. Select the Delinquency project.
  2. In the Annotations view, click the History tab. This tab displays a time-stamped entry each time you create, modify, import, publish, export, or delete a component. SAS Model Manager records the following information:
    • The date and time that the action occurred
    • The user ID that performed the action
    • The action that was performed
    Here is an example of the History in the Annotations view:
    Annotations view History

View Notes

To create persistent annotations that are associated with the different components of a project, follow these steps:
  1. Expand the 2012 version in the Delinquency project and select the Models folder.
  2. In the Annotations view, click the Notes tab.
  3. In the Add Notes field, enter Add first note for tutorial 2 models and click Add Notes.
    Here is the Delinquency project note in the Annotations view:
    Annotations view Notes

View the Summary Information

The Summary contains information about the components that are contained in the selected folder.
To view summary information, follow these steps:
  1. In the Project Tree, click the Tutorial2 folder.
  2. In the Annotations view, click the Summary tab.
  3. Examine the information on this tab. SAS Model Manager includes general property information about the components that are part of this folder, aging information, number of reports, target information, and input information about the project.
    Here is the Summary information for Tutorial2:
    Annotations view Summary tab for Tutorial 2 Project
    The information on the Summary tab dynamically reflects the contents of the selected node and its subnodes in the Project Tree. If you select MMRoot, you see summary information for all nodes in the Project Tree. If you select a project, the summary information reflects the project and all nodes within that project.