Define a Model Retrain Task

To define a model retrain task, follow these steps:
  1. Right-click the Loan project name and select Define Model Retrain Task. The Define Model Retrain Task wizard appears.
    Define Model Retrain Task
  2. Select the Reg 1 model to be retrained.
    Note: To select all models, you can select the Select All check box. If you do not select a model, the champion model in the default version for the selected project is retrained.
  3. Select 2012 as the destination version for new models.
    Note: If you do not select a destination version, the default location is used for the destination of the new retrained models.
    (Optional) To create a new version to store the retrained models, follow these steps:
    1. From the Select Models for Retrain page of the wizard, click New. The New Version window appears.
      New Version for Model Retrain Task
    2. Enter a name of the new version and select a life cycle template. Entering a description of the new version is optional.
    3. Click OK. You are then returned to the Define Model Retrain Task wizard.
  4. Click Browse to select a value for the Training data source field
    Select a table for the Model Retrain Task
    Select the HMEQ_TRAIN data set that is located in the \Shared Data\Model Manager\Tutorial3\ directory of the SAS Metadata Repository. Click OK. You are then returned to the Define Model Retrain Task wizard.
  5. Click ellipsis button to select a value for the Report folder. This value is the location of the folder to store the comparison report.
    Note: By default, the report is stored in the SAS session’s working folder on the SAS Workspace Server. You can also create subfolders in which to store the report. The length of the directory path for the retrain report folder must be equal to or less than 100 bytes. Here is an example: \\\c:\Users\mmanalyst\Documents\My SAS Files\9.3\Model Retrain\Reports
    Select a location on the SAS Workspace Server for the Model Retrain Task
  6. Click ellipsis button to select a value for the Results folder. This value is the location of the retrain results folder to store the model training results.
    Note: This setting is for informational purposes only. The data sets and files that are created during model retraining are stored in this location. By default, the training results are stored in the SAS session’s working folder on the SAS Workspace Server. You can also create subfolders in which to store the results. The length of the directory path for the retrain result folder must be equal to or less than 100 bytes. Here is an example: \\\c:\Users\mmanalyst\Documents\My SAS Files\9.3\Model Retrain\Results
    Select results folder location on SAS Workspace Server for the Model Retrain Task
  7. Select Register new trained model to register the new models. If this option is not selected, the new models are not registered in the destination version in the Project Tree, and they are not saved to the model repository on the SAS Content Server.
    Define Model Retrain Task
  8. (Optional) Select Trace On to print trace information to the SAS log file.
  9. Click Next. The Select Models for Comparison page appears.
    Select Models for Comparison for Model Retrain Task
  10. Select the Reg 1 and HMEQ_STAT_Item models to compare them to the retrained model.
    Note: To select all models, you can click Select All. If you do not select a model, the champion model for the project is used to perform the comparison.
  11. Select a comparison data source. Take one of the following steps:
    • Select Use training data source if you want to use HMEQ_TRAIN as the comparison data source. For this example the default values are used. However, you can either use the whole training data source to compare or you can partition it into two parts, based on partition percent and random seed. The percentage that is specified is the percentage of data that is used for model comparison; the other part of the data is used for training. The random seed value is used to generate the training data, based on the random sampling method.
    • Click Browse to select a value for the Comparison data source field to select a performance data set.
  12. To specify the report options, follow these steps.
    1. Enter a report name. Here is an example: HMEQ Model Comparison.
    2. Select the HTML format for the report output. The default is RTF. The other available formats are PDF, HTML, and Excel.
    3. Select a style for the report. The default selection is SAS default. The other available styles are Seaside, Meadow, and Harvest.
      Note: SAS Model Manager administrators can configure the report formats and styles that are available using SAS Management Console.
    Select Models for Comparison for Model Retrain Task
  13. Click Next. The Set E-Mail Notifications page appears.
    Set E-mail Notifications for Model Retrain Task
  14. (Optional) To send the training results by e-mail, enter an e-mail address or multiple e-mail addresses that are separated by a comma or blank, and then click Add. To delete a recipient, select the recipient’s e-mail address and click Delete.
  15. Click Finish. The SAS code is generated and placed in the Model Retrain folder of the associated project.