Declare and Publish a New Champion Model in SAS Model Manager

In this exercise, you declare a different model as the champion model after an initial project champion model has been published to the SAS Metadata Repository. You then publish the new project champion model to the metadata repository.
To declare and publish a new champion model, do the following:
  1. In the SAS Model Manager Project Tree, expand the Tutorial3 folder, the Loan project, the 2012 version, and the Models folder.
  2. Right-click the Reg 1 model and select Set as Champion.
  3. When prompted to confirm the change, click Yes.
  4. Right-click the Loan project and select Publish Modelsthen selectto the SAS Metadata Repository. Click Yes in the message window. The SAS Metadata Repository window appears.
  5. Double-click Shared Datathen selectModel Manager, select Tutorial3, and click OK. Click Yes in the confirmation message box to replace the champion model.
    An information message indicates whether the champion model was successfully published. Click Close to close the message box.
For more information about this task, see the SAS Model Manager: User's Guide.