Install a User-defined Score Range Report

In this exercise, you upload the Score Range report to SAS Content Server. After the template is uploaded, you can run the Score Range report from the New Reports wizard. This exercise has two parts. In the first exercise, you upload the report files to the SAS Content Server. In the second exercise, you create a Score Range report from the New Reports wizard. To upload a report XML file or SAS file, you must have a user ID that is in the Model Manager Administrator Users group.

Install a User-defined Report

To upload the Score Range report to the New Reports wizard, follow these steps:
  1. From the SAS Model Manager window, select Toolsthen selectManage Templates. The SAS Model Manager Template Editor appears.
  2. Select Filethen selectOpen and navigate to <drive>\Tutorial7\Samples. In the Files of type box, select SAS files (*.sas). Select and click OK. The template opens in the Template Editor.
  3. Select Filethen selectUpload File, verify the file information in the Upload File window, and click OK. When a confirmation message appears, click Close.
  4. Select Filethen selectOpen and navigate to <drive>\Tutorial7\Samples. In the Files of type box, select SAS files (*.sas). Select and click OK. The template opens in the Template Editor.
  5. Select Filethen selectUpload File, verify the file information in the Upload File window, and click OK. When a confirmation message appears, click Close.
  6. Select Filethen selectOpen and navigate to <drive>\Tutorial7\Samples and select ScoreRangeTemplate.xml. Click OK. The template opens in the Template Editor.
    ScoreRangeTemplate.xml in the Template Editor
  7. Select Filethen selectUpload File, verify the file information in the Upload File window, and click OK. When a confirmation message appears, click Close.

Run the New User-defined Report

To execute the installed score range report, follow these steps:
  1. Log on to SAS Model Manager.
  2. Expand the Tutorial2 folder, the Delinquency project, and the 2012 version.
  3. Right-click the Reports folder and select Reportsthen selectNew Report. The New Report wizard appears.
  4. In the Type box, select Score Range Report.
  5. In the Format box, select HTML.
  6. In the Style box, select Seaside.
  7. In the Select Model table, select Model 1.
  8. If a ScoreRange report exists in the Reports folder from the previous exercise, you can name the report using the default filename or ScoreRange2 in the Name box of the General Properties table.
    The Score Range Report in the New Report wizard
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Close in the information message.
  11. To view the new report, expand the new score range report, right-click ScoreRange.html, and select Open. To view the report output, see The Score Range Report Table and The Score Range Report Graph.
For more information about this task, see the SAS Model Manager: User's Guide.