Create an Ad Hoc Variable Importance Report

In this exercise, you create a report that is based on the model's PROC ARBORETUM importance data.
  1. In the <drive>:Tutorial6/Samples folder, open the example report in a text editor and copy the code.
  2. In the Project Tree, expand the Tutorial6 folder and the project HmeqVars.
  3. Under version 2011, right-click the Reports folder and select Reportsthen selectCreate Ad Hoc Report.
  4. In the Create Ad Hoc Report dialog box, check the box for ProcArbor in the Select Models table.
  5. In the SAS Editor, paste the code that you copied in Step 1.
  6. In the Name field, enter VariableImportance and click OK. After the report is created successfully, click Close to close the information message.
    Create an Ad Hoc Dialog Box
  7. View the report output.
    1. Expand the new report, VariableImportance.
    2. Right-click ProcArbor.html and select Open.
    3. If prompted, enter your user ID and password.
Here is the VariableImportance report:
Variable Importance Ad Hoc Report