Create the Champion Model Performance Data Sets

In this exercise, you run the Define Performance Task wizard to create a performance monitoring task for the champion model, Reg1. The performance monitoring task uses the information that you supply in the Define Performance Task wizard to create SAS programs. You then execute the SAS programs to create the performance monitoring data sets.

Ensure the Project Properties Are Set

The Define Performance Task wizard requires that three project properties be set before you can run the wizard. Expand the Tutorial3 folder and click the Loan project. Ensure that the following project properties are set:
Project Property
Training Target Variable
Target Event Value
Output Event Probability Variable

Run the Define Performance Task Wizard

To run the Define Performance Task wizard, follow these steps:
  1. Expand the Tutorial3 organizational folder, right-click Loan, and select Define Performance Task from the pop-up menu. The Define Performance Task wizard appears.
  2. In the Output Variables for Stability Analysis table, select the box for the score variable.
  3. In the Input Variables for Characteristic Analysis table, click Select All. Click Next.
  4. On the Warning and Alert Conditions page, accept the default alert and warning conditions by clicking Next. The Other Reporting Specifications page appears.
  5. Click Ellipsis button for the Performance data source box and select HMEQ_2010Q2. Click OK.
  6. Click the ellipsis button for Data collection date and select June 30, 2010 using the calendar. Click OK.
    Note: The date can be any date within the second quarter of 2010.
  7. In the Date label box, enter 2010Q2.
    Note: The label is used to identify the performance data in the performance monitoring charts. When you view the charts by using the Performance node in the Project Tree, SAS Model Manager uses the label baseline for the first set of performance data that is created for a champion model, and not the text that you entered in the Date label box.
  8. Click Add. The Add Contact dialog box appears. Enter your e-mail address, and click OK. Here is the Define Performance Task wizard.
    Define Performance Task Wizard
  9. Click Finish. The wizard creates the SAS code that can be run to create the performance monitoring data sets.
  10. Execute the SAS program. Under the Loan project, right-click PerformanceMonitor and select Execute. SAS Model Manager executes the performance monitoring program. When the program execution is complete, an information message indicates whether the program ran successfully. Click Close.
  11. Expand PerformanceMonitor. Here you can see the SAS program that created the performance monitoring data sets and the resulting SAS log. Click both files to see the file contents in the Content pane.
  12. Expand Resources under the default version 2011. The Resources node contains the data sets that are created by the Define Performance Task wizard as well as the data sets that are created by executing the performance task. When a performance task is executed the first time for a given champion model, the performance task creates the initial data sets that are used for plotting the model performance charts. In executing subsequent performance tasks that use new performance data for the given champion model, SAS Model Manager appends the resulting data sets to the existing data sets. All of the data in the model performance data sets for a given champion model is used to plot the model performance charts.
    Click on any file to see the contents of that file in the Content pane.
    The Contents of the Resources Folder
  13. Select Performance. The Performance node displays the champion model performance data as a graph and as a data set.
    Note: To view at least one line segment in Characteristic and Stability graphs, SAS Model Manager requires performance data sets from three performance task executions, at a minimum.
  14. Define a performance task and execute the SAS program for the remaining three Tutorial 7 performance data sources. Complete steps 1 through 10 for each performance data source.
    On the Define Performance Task wizard, page 1, select all input and output variables if they are not already selected.
    On page 2, use the default alert and warning conditions. No changes are necessary.
    On page 3, use these values for the Performance data source, Data collection date, and Date label boxes:
    Performance data source
    Data collection date
    Date label
    September 30, 2010
    December 31, 2010
    March 31, 2011