Overview of Migration Deployment Process

For a SAS Model Manager 2.1 or later deployment, you can use migration tools to migrate information that is stored on the SAS Metadata Server, WebDAV Server, and a middle-tier server to a SAS Model Manager 12.1 installation.
After you have designed your migration and completed other preliminary steps, you can perform a migration assessment. You do this by running the SAS Migration Utility on the machine where the SAS 9.1.3, SAS 9.2, or SAS 9.3 Metadata Server is installed. The SAS Migration Utility must be run on all servers in the deployment. The SAS Migration Utility produces a package of SAS 9.1.3, SAS 9.2, or SAS 9.3 content and configuration settings that the SAS Deployment Wizard uses when you install and configure SAS 9.3 and SAS Model Manager 12.1. After the automated process there are some manual steps that must be performed. For more information, see SAS Migration Utility Reference in SAS Intelligence Platform: Migration Guide.
After you create your SAS Migration Utility package and complete your migration assessment, make sure that the migration package contains the content from the WebDAV server (Xythos or SAS Content Server). The Xythos content for SAS 9.1.3 is in the directory <outputDir>\<host-name>\WFS\Area1. The SAS Content Server content for SAS 9.2 and 9.3 is in the directory <outputDir>\<host-name>\SCS\Repository. You also must make sure that the migration package contains the content from the database for SAS Web Infrastructure Platform if the system is SAS 9.3. The migration package must also contain the database for SAS Model Manager if the system is SAS Model Manager 12.1. The database content for SAS Web Infrastructure Platform WIP_database.zip is in the directory <outputDir>\<host-name>\webinfpltfm. The database content for SAS Model Manager MM_database.zip is in the directory <outputDir>\<host-name>\mmapi. You can then begin to install and configure SAS 9.3 and SAS Model Manager 12.1. During this process, you can migrate your content and configuration settings. To migrate and configure SAS Model Manager 12.1 on SAS 9.3, follow the steps that are specified in Install and Migrate SAS Interactively in SAS Intelligence Platform: Migration Guide.
Here is a high-level summary of the migration and configuration tasks for special consideration for the SAS Model Manager 12.1 on SAS 9.3 installation and migration.
  1. Begin the deployment on the SAS Metadata Server. For a Windows installation, select the setup.exe file. For a UNIX installation, select setup.sh. This executable program launches the SAS Deployment Wizard, which helps you install and configure SAS 9.3 products.
    For more information, see Installing SAS 9.3 and Migrating Your SAS Content in SAS Intelligence Platform: Migration Guide.
  2. Specify a deployment plan for your installation. This can be a customized deployment plan or a standard deployment plan, such as Model Manager, three machines, JBoss. Then click Next to continue with the installation. For more information, see Preparing to Install and to Configure in SAS Intelligence Platform: Migration Guide.
    Note: If you are performing a SAS Model Manager 12.1 to 12.1 migration, the directory paths that are specified for SAS Model Manager in SAS Management Console on the source system are used as the default directory paths for the target system. For SAS Model Manager migrations from 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, or 3.1 M1 to SAS Model Manager 12.1, the default directory locations for the target system are used. You must choose a prompting level for a custom configuration to specify different directory paths on the target system. This location must be a network drive that is accessible by the SAS Workspace Server or a directory that is located on the SAS Workspace Server.
  3. Continue with the SAS Deployment Wizard until you reach the Migration Information screen. Select the Perform Migration check box, and enter the path for the migration package that you created with the SAS Migration Utility. This path should go to the top level directory of the migration package and should match the value of the SMU.Output.Dir property (for example C:\SMU\913_Deployment).
  4. Specify a user ID and password for an unrestricted user account (for example, System Administrator). Then validate that the correct user ID is specified and enter the appropriate password. For a Windows account, provide the user ID in a qualified format, such as domain\userID or machine\userID. For UNIX, do not use the machine name as part of the user ID for sasadm. Follow the same steps to specify a user ID and password for the SAS Trusted User. Validate that the correct user ID is specified and enter the appropriate password.
    Note: During installation, you can switch to internal user accounts for the unrestricted and sastrust user accounts. If you choose to use external user accounts on the SAS Model Manager 12.1 machine, they must match the user accounts for the unrestricted and SAS trusted user accounts (for example, sasadm and sastrust) on the machine that has the version of SAS Model Manager that is being migrated. Only external user accounts such as myserver\mdlmgradmin or mydomain\user1 can access the SAS Model Manager client.
  5. Complete the installation and configuration, and then perform any required post-migration manual steps. Those steps might include post-installation verification and configuration steps for SAS Model Manager, and other installed SAS products that are specified in the instructions.html file. The instructions.html file is produced after your installation. For more information, see Post-Migration Manual Steps and Post-Installation Verification and Configuration of SAS Model Manager in SAS Model Manager: Administrator's Guide.
    Note: In a multi-machine deployment, you must repeat the installation and configuration steps on the other machines before you can launch the client on the client machine.
  6. After you have completed both the post-migration manual steps and post-installation verification and configuration steps for SAS Model Manager, verify that you can successfully launch the SAS Model Manager 12.1 client application. Also verify that your migrated SAS content is available to the new SAS 9.3 deployment.
    1. Select Startthen selectProgramsthen selectSASthen selectSAS Model Manager Client 12.1.
    2. When the Log On window appears, accept the default SAS environment, enter a valid SAS Model Manager user ID and password, and then click Log On. The user must have permissions to launch the application. You can enter the user credentials that you configured in the pre-validation steps section of the instructions.html file.
    3. Select an existing project to work with or create a new one.
    Note: The middle-tier server might not be available until all post-installation tasks are completed in step 5.