HTML and Excel Reports

Reports in HTML Format

After migrating your SAS content on the WebDAV Server from SAS Model Manager 2.1 or later to the SAS Model Manager 3.1 using the SAS Migration Utility, you must manually modify the URL paths to the images that are referenced in the HTML reports.
  1. Log on to SAS Model Manager 3.1.
  2. Navigate to the Reports directory for the version, under the project folder and expand the folder.
  3. Expand the report object and select the file that has the .html extension. The HTML code is displayed in the Content window to the right.
  4. Select the Edit check box in the top right.
  5. Right-click in the Content window and select Find.
  6. Enter the text src= and select Find Next.
  7. Select and copy the URL text from http to the end of the report object name. For example:
  8. Paste the URL text from the previous step into the Find text field, enter a period in the Replace with field, and then click Replace Next or Replace All. In the following example, the source path is changed from the full source path “” to the relative source path “./images/gplot.png".
  9. Click Commit.
  10. Repeat steps 2 through 9 for all HTML reports that were migrated from SAS Model Manager 2.1, 2.2, or 2.3 to the latest release of SAS Model Manager 3.1.

Reports in Excel Format

After migrating your SAS content on the WebDAV Server from SAS Model Manager 2.1 or later to the SAS Model Manager 3.1 using the SAS Migration Utility, you must manually modify the URL to the graphic images that are referenced in the Excel format reports. The Excel format reports cannot be modified using the SAS Model Manager 3.1 client. Instead, use the DAVTree utility on the SAS 9.3 deployment to modify the content of the Excel files. Only a SAS administrator who has Write access to the WebDAV Server can access the DAVTree utility.
Note: The DAVTree utility can be found on the target machine in the \sasconfigdir\Lev1\Web\Utilities directory.
  1. Run the DAVTree.bat file to open the DAVTree utility program. Select Filethen selectOpen, enter the URL http://server-name:port/SASContentServer/repository/default/ModelManager/, and then click OK.
  2. Enter the user name and password for the configured SAS administrator or SAS Model Manager administrator.
  3. Expand the MMROOT folder.
  4. Navigate to the Reports folder that is contained in the version folder for a project, and expand the report object node that contains the .xls file. Here is an example: dynamicLift.xls.
  5. Right-click the XLS file and select Edit to open it in the text editor.
  6. Manually search the file for image source references. For example, src="".
  7. Replace the full source path with the relative source path for each image in the file. For example, replace "" with "./images/gplot.png".
  8. Save the file and exit the text editor.
  9. Repeat steps 3 though 8 for all migrated reports in Excel format.