Configuring Channels and Subscribers for SAS Model Manager

Overview of Configuring Channels and Subscribers

The Publishing Framework plug-in to SAS Management Console enables you to administer the Publishing Framework.
Note: You need to verify that Publishing Framework plug-ins are available in your SAS Management Console navigation tree. If the plug-in is not available, you need to install SAS Foundation Services 1.3 or later so that you can configure your channels and subscribers for SAS Model Manager.
With the Publishing Framework plug-in, you can manage subscribers and channels. For more information, see the Help.
When the Publishing Framework plug-in is available, the SAS Management Console Project Tree should look as follows:
SAS Management Console Publishing Framework
The SAS Metadata Server (for example, Foundation) that is shown under the Publishing Framework plug-in contains the Subscribers folder and the Channels folder.
The Publishing Framework plug-in to SAS Management Console provides wizards that enable you to create subscribers. When you create a subscriber with a wizard, the subscriber object that has the specified attributes is stored on the SAS Metadata Server.
For more information about Publishing Framework, see the SAS 9.3 Publishing Framework: Developer's Guide.

Channel to Subscriber Configuration

There are several ways to configure channels to publish your models to the SAS Model Manager channel subscribers.
Choose one of these options to define the method to use for publishing channels:
  1. None - specifies to publish all content that is published to the channel directly to the subscribers (through e-mail). The content is not persisted.
  2. Archive - specifies a path and an optional logical server for the location of the persistent storage. The Archive File option is recommended for publishing model packages. Publishing Framework publishes the content as an archive (binary) SPK (SAS package) file to the persistent storage location.
  3. WebDAV - specifies the WebDAV server location.
The best practice is to use the Archive File type for channel persistent storage and e-mail for subscriber notification.
Before publishing models using SAS Model Manager, you must create channels and subscribers to publish your model updates.

Creating Channels and Subscribers

The channel sends the information from the publishers to the subscribers who want it.
A subscriber is a person or a program that has a need for information that is published. To receive information from a channel, the user must be defined as a subscriber.
The Publishing Framework plug-in provides wizards that enable you to create subscribers. Information about the subscriber is stored on the SAS Metadata Server.
Note: Channel subscribers must be users of the SAS Metadata Server and their e-mail addresses must be specified.