Determine the Location of the SAS Environment URL

During deployment, you are prompted by the SAS Deployment Wizard to specify the location of the SAS environment file, named sas-environment.xml (for example, http://<your HTTP server>/sas-environment.xml or http://<server>:<port>/SASLogin/sas-environment.xml). This file defines a set of SAS deployments at your site for client applications to use. The sas-environment.xml file does not need to physically exist at the location that you specify in the SAS Deployment Wizard before beginning the SAS Installation. However, knowing the intended value of this URL is important because every client installation is prompted for this value. If you do not specify the URL when SAS Model Manager is installed then, as a post-installation task, you must manually edit a file on every client machine to specify this URL. Therefore, it is beneficial to decide on a value for this URL during your planning process so that it can be provided to administrators who might be performing an installation.
For more information about the structure of this file, see “Configuring the SAS Environment File” in the SAS Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide, available at