Folder Contents
job local path
Specifies the folder that contains the reporting specification data sets that are used by the %MM_RunReports() macro.
report output
Specifies the folder that contains data sets and auxiliary files that are created
during the creation of the performance reports
when the %MM_RunReports() macro is run in test mode.
performance data
Specifies the folder that contains the performance data sets for each time period.
Performance data sets can be stored in a DBMS as well. If your performance data set
is in a DBMS, then this folder is not necessary.
Specifies the folder
on the SAS Model Manager server to save the SPK file that is created
during the processing of the %MM_GetModels() macro. The SPK file contains
the model.
When you publish a model to a channel, the published model package file (SPK) is placed in this folder.
Note: The channel that you publish
a model to must use archive persistence because the %MM_GetModels()
macro requires a directory path. The directory path must be the same
path that was used for the channel’s persistence.
A channel can be shared by multiple model projects.
If you do not use the SAS channel that was predefined during the installation of SAS Model Manager, see the Help for
the Publishing Framework in SAS Management Console.
Specifies the folder to where the SPK model is extracted to by the %MM_GetModels()
macro. The macro creates a \scorecode folder that contains the model score code and saves the data set current.sas7bdat, logs.sas7bdat, and processingspk.sas7bdat in the model folder.
The current.sas7bdat data set contains project and model information that is used
to create the performance monitoring reports.
reportExample1 | contains example SAS code to extract a project or model from the channel using the %MM_GetModels() macro. |
reportExample2 | contains DATA steps to create performance data that can be used to test the batch programs that create performance monitoring reports. |
reportExample3 | contains example DATA steps to create the SAS data sets that contain report specifications, such as the project UUID and path, various input variables, the location of the performance data source, alert and warning conditions, and email addresses for report notifications. |
reportExample4 | contains an example program that are used to define the operating environment using macro variables. This program also contains the DATA steps that are used to create the reports. |