Report Output in Test and Production Modes

Report Output in Test Mode

When you run the %MM_RunReports() macro, you can either run the report in Test mode or Production mode, by using the _MM_ReportMode macro variable.
To run in Test mode, ensure that you make the following assignments:
  • In the DATA step mm_jobs.project, set the variable testDestination=reportOutputPath, where reportOutputPath is the report output folder on the SAS Model Manager server or network. This is the location that you defined when you completed the prerequisites for running batch performance jobs.
  • In the %MM_RunReports() macro, set the macro variable _MM_ReportMode=TEST.
Test report output is then written to the SAS Model Manager server or network location. You can test your %MM_RunReports() macro any number of times without corrupting the integrity of your model repository. You can delete the contents of the report output folder and resubmit your macro as necessary.
To view the report output:
  1. Sign in to SAS Model Manager.
  2. Open the project. For example, open the HMEQ project in the Tutorial3 folder.
  3. Select the Versions page and click Add a new version. Click OK.
    Note: A best practice is to create a new version and add the files to it. If you do not create a new version, ensure that you delete the performance data sets from the Results tab of the Performance page when you no longer need these files.
  4. Double-click the new version to select it as the displayed version.
  5. Select the Results tab on the Performance page.
  6. Click Add a performance data set to add the performance data set from the report output folder that is defined in testDestination=reportOutputPath. For more information, see Manage Performance Data Sets in SAS Model Manager: User’s Guide.
  7. Click Refresh to update the performance results. You should then be able to select the different charts and view the performance data.

Report Output in Production Mode

When you run the %MM_RunReports() macro in Production mode, ensure that you complete the following code changes:
  • In the DATA step mm_jobs.project, remove the assignment of the variable testDestination=reportOutputPath.
  • In the %MM_RunReports() macro, set the macro variable _MM_ReportMode=Production.
Production report output is written to the champion version of a project.
To view the report output:
  1. Sign in to SAS Model Manager.
  2. Open the project. For example, open the HMEQ project in the Tutorial3 folder.
  3. Select the Versions page and double-click the champion version to select it as the displayed version.
  4. Select the Results tab on the Performance page.
  5. Click Refresh to update the performance results. You can now select the different charts and view the performance data.
Last updated: February 14, 2017