Create a Channel Folder

If you expect to create a large number of channels, then consider grouping related channels into channel folders. You can create subfolders within folders, thereby creating a folder hierarchy to which access controls can be applied. For more information, see the SAS Management Console Help.
Note: Currently it is not possible to move an existing channel into a folder or from one folder to another. Plan ahead to avoid deleting and re-creating channels.
To create channel folders:
  1. From the SAS Management Console navigation tree, expand the Publishing Framework node.
  2. Select and expand the desired metadata repository node.
  3. If you are creating a top-level folder, then select Channels. If you are creating a subfolder, then navigate to and select the desired parent folder.
    Publishing Framework Channels Node
  4. Right-click Channels and then select New Folder.
  5. Enter a name for the new channel folder and then click Next. The new folder is created and the metadata definition information is displayed.
  6. Click Finish.
Last updated: June 8, 2017