Flow of Control in the MDDB Report Viewer Class

The following figures illustrate the flow of control in the MDDB Report Viewer WEBEIS class. For more information about the methods listed in these figures, refer to the individual method descriptions.
Flow of Control for the Layout Page (MDDBRPTS.SCL)
Flow of Control for the Dimensions Page (LAYOUT.SCL)
Flow of Control for the Layout Toolbar (HEADER.SCL)
Flow of Control for the Report Page (SHOWRPT.SCL)
Flow of Control for the Report Page (OPRPT.SCL) (Part 1)
Flow of Control for the Report Page (OPRPT.SCL) (Part 2)
Flow of Control for the Report Page (OPRPT.SCL) (Part 3)
Flow of Control for the Report Page Toolbar (OPTBAR.SCL) (Part 1)
Flow of Control for the Report Page Toolbar (OPTBAR.SCL) (Part 2)