Set a Permission Condition

Permission conditions limit explicit grants of the Read permission so that different users access different subsets of data.
  1. Access the Authorization tab of the dimension for which you are defining a permission condition.
    Note: In SAS Management Console, access dimensions on the Plug-ins tab under Authorization Managerthen selectResource Managementthen selectBy Locationthen select<server>then select<OLAP schema>then selectcube.
  2. Select or add the identity whose access to measures you want to limit.
  3. In the permissions list, add an explicit white check box grant of the Read permission for the selected identity.
  4. Click the Add Authorization button.
    Note: If the Edit Authorization button is displayed, a condition already exists for the selected user or group.
  5. In the Add Authorization dialog box, select the Create an advanced MDX expression radio button and click Build Formula.
  6. In the Build Formula dialog box, define a condition that filters the data as appropriate for the selected identity. For detailed assistance, click the Help button in the dialog box.
Note: You can manage permission conditions for OLAP dimensions from SAS OLAP Cube Studio and SAS Data Integration Studio as well as SAS Management Console.
Note: To define and manage permission conditions for information maps, use SAS Information Map Studio.