Object Hierarchy

SAS Event Stream Processing provides an assortment of elements for use in building continuous query applications, enabling a wide variety of business needs to be met. Some of the elements that incorporate SAS Micro Analytic Service functionality are described briefly below. For more information, see Documentation in the Knowledge Base, at http://support.sas.com.
At a minimum, each event stream processing application consists of a SAS Event Stream Processing engine (a container of projects), at least one project (a container of continuous queries), and at least one continuous query that contains windows and the edges that connect them.
Each project maintains a SAS Micro Analytic Service environment that is shared among the continuous queries within the project. In the C++ case, DS2 and Python modules are published to SAS Micro Analytic Service by calling methods on the project. In the XML case, they are published by including the <mas-modules> tag (a sub-element of <project>).
SAS Micro Analytic Service operates on the data that is contained in events received by procedural windows. The procedural window provides a C++ method and an XML element for mapping source window events to module methods. The XML tag is named <mas-map>, which is a sub-element of <window-procedural>.
Last updated: March 2, 2017