Module Context

A module represents program code. In the case of DS2, each module represents exactly one DS2 package. If you are unfamiliar with DS2 packages, see “Understanding DS2 Methods and Packages” in SAS 9.4 DS2 Language Reference. Every module is owned by exactly one user context.
In the case of Python, each module represents a Python program, and each module method represents a function in the Python program.
SAS Micro Analytic Service supports module revisions and is capable of hosting and executing multiple revisions of a module concurrently. When SAS Micro Analytic Service compiles a DS2 package or Python program, it creates a revision of that module. Therefore, a module is a container of revisions. It also houses any compiler warning or error messages that were generated from the latest revision compilation or compilation attempt.
Note: SAS Micro Analytic Service 2.3 runs the latest revision of a module by default.
Last updated: March 2, 2017