Configuring Python

Python 2.7 and 3.4 on 64-Bit Linux

  1. Download Anaconda for Linux, Python 3.5, and Linux 64-bit installer from
  2. After downloading the installer, enter the following in a terminal window. Provide the Python version that you installed. In the following example, Python 3.5 is used.
    Answer yes to the question, Do you wish the installer to prepend the Anaconda3 install location to PATH in your .bashrc? These instructions assume that you have used the location /users/myuserid/anaconda3.
  3. Create a Python 3.4 environment by entering the following (note that there are two hyphens before name). Provide the appropriate Python version.
    conda create --name python34 python=3.4 
  4. Activate the environment (provide the appropriate Python version).
    source activate python34
  5. Prepend the Python environment's lib directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Provide the Python version that you installed. In the following example, Python 3.4 is used.
Note: Regarding 64-bit Linux, the conda create and source activate commands must be run from a bash or zsh shell.
Python 2.x uses ASCII as the default encoding. Therefore, you must specify another encoding at the top of the file to use non-ASCII Unicode characters in literals. As a best practice, when using Python 2.x, always use the following as the first line of your Python script:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Also, in Python 2.x, the Unicode literal must be preceded by the letter u. Therefore, literal strings should be written using the following form:
Note: Python 3.x uses UTF-8 as the default encoding. Therefore, these issues affect Python 2.x only. When using Python 3.x, you can use the default encoding, and you can simply enclose literals in quotation marks.

Further Considerations for Configuring Python

The Anaconda documentation states that Python 3.4 can be run from an Anaconda 2.7 installation by creating and activating a Python 3.4 environment. You cannot do this with embedded Python. Therefore, it is recommended that you use the Python 3.5 installer for both Python 2.7 and 3.4.
When starting SAS Event Stream Processing, do so from a shell in which you have activated Python, thus allowing the process to use Python.
A rich set of Python packages is available, covering a wide variety of computing needs. You might want to add some of these packages to your Python environment.
When you add packages to an Anaconda environment, the packages are placed in <your-environment-path>/lib/python3.4/site-packages. In order to use the Python scripts that these packages require, add their locations to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
Note: The use of the configuration scripts espenv and espenv_print, when running Python is highly recommended. These scripts are described in Configuration Helper Scripts.
If your Python script imports your own .py files, you also must add their location to PYTHONPATH. An example location might be .(dot).
Some packages include a lib directory, which also needs to be added to PYTHONPATH.
Finally, you must add <your-environment-path>/lib/python3.4 to PYTHONPATH.
Anaconda sets the environment variable CONDA_PREFIX when you activate an environment and sets it to the location where Anaconda stores any new Python packages that you install (for example, the site-packages folder).
Here is an example of the locations that you might set for PYTHONPATH, after adding packages to your Python 3.4 environment for 64-bit Linux:
export SITE_PACKAGES=$CONDA_PREFIX/lib/python3.4/site-packages
export PYTHONPATH=.:$CONDA_PREFIX/lib/python3.4