
DS2 and Python programs that are published to SAS Micro Analytic Service, whether user-written or generated by SAS analytical solutions, are known as modules. This term reflects the language-neutral nature of SAS Micro Analytic Service interfaces.
A module is a collection of methods. For DS2, a module represents one DS2 package and its methods. For Python, a module is a collection of Python functions.
Module methods can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including computing scores, processing data, or making business decisions.
SAS Micro Analytic Service uses two internal component types to manage the modules that are published to it. These are the module context and the revision. A third component, the user context, provides isolated execution environments that contain sets of module contexts and revisions. In most cases, SAS Micro Analytic Service automatically manages user and module contexts for the user.
Note: If you plan to write DS2 modules to deploy to SAS Micro Analytic Service, follow the programming guidelines described in DS2 Programming for SAS Micro Analytic Service. If you plan to write Python modules to deploy to SAS Micro Analytic Service, follow the programming guidelines described in Python Support in SAS Micro Analytic Service.