Back Up Disk Stores

To begin the migration process, navigate to the GemFire bin directory.
Note: The current directory must be in the path. All tc Server instances hosting the SAS Micro Analytic Service must be running in order to run the backup command.
  1. If you have disabled auto-compaction, run manual compaction:
    Note: This step is necessary only for clustered environments.
    gemfire compact-all-disk-stores
  2. Run the backup command, providing your backup directory location. The following example stores the backed-up files under the gemfireBackupFilesDirectory.
    SAS-Configuration-Directory/LevN/Web/gemfire/bin>gemfire backup /gemfireBackupFilesDirectory
    The tool reports on the success of the operation. If the operation is successful, a message similar to the following is generated:
    SAS-Configuration-Directory/LevN/Web/gemfire/bin>gemfire backup /gemfireBackupFilesDirectory
    Connecting to distributed system: locators=<ServerName>[26340]
    The following disk stores were backed up:
    DiskStore at <ServerName> SAS-Configuration-Directory/LevN/Web/WebAppServer/SASServer13_1/logs
    Backup successful.
    If the operation does not succeed at backing up all known members, a message similar to the following is generated:
    SAS-Configuration-Directory/LevN/Web/gemfire/bin>gemfire backup /gemfireBackupFilesDirectory
    Connecting to distributed system: mcast=/
    ERROR: Operation "backup" failed because: There are no members in the distributed system.
  3. To ensure that the backup can be recovered, validate the backed-up files. Run the validate-disk-store command on the backed-up files, for each disk store. Use the full directory path to where the GemFire backup was stored (for example, /gemfireBackupFilesDirectory/<date>/<ServerName>_v31_13729_16281/diskstores/masgemfire/dir0).
    Run the validate-disk-store command as follows:
    SAS-Configuration-Directory/LevN/Web/gemfire/bin>gemfire validate-disk-store masgemfire/
    Repeat these steps for all disk stores of all members.