Cluster Deployment for SAS Micro Analytic Service

Deploying Clusters

In a cluster deployment, the web server runs on only one node, and it serves as the balancer. The URL to the service sends the request to the web server. The web server dispatches the requests in round-robin to the nodes in the cluster, unless a different policy is specified in the web server configuration.
The metadata server for a middle-tier node is specified during deployment. The same metadata server that is referenced by the middle tier can be referenced by a middle-tier node. When that is the case, user management data and application properties that are set on the middle tier are applicable automatically to the middle-tier node. If different metadata servers are referenced by the middle tier and the middle-tier nodes, then any user and application management data changes should be made in both metadata servers.
By contrast with the middle tier, the Instructions.html file for the middle-tier node includes neither a web service URL, nor a section on validating steps for the web service. The web server directs requests to the middle-tier node based on the specified load-balancing policy in its configuration.
If a user wants to use the same node to serve a group of requests, this can be achieved by including the same route information in the HTTP request for that group of requests. The cluster is enabled for a sticky session by default. When a service request is made, the header section of the HTTP response includes a Set-Cookie header, such as the following:
Set-Cookie: c74b1b873e98ef08505dee685863e7b2_Cluster13=EC5213E970F0655
Path=/SASMicroAnalyticService/; HttpOnly
The first item is a variable=value construct. The variable is a session ID. The value is a route.
To use the same node to serve a group of requests, extract the route information from the first request of the group. From the second request to the last request, set the cookie header with the sessionID and route value, similar to the following example:
Using the same node to serve a group of requests can be useful because it avoids introducing errors by a delay in replicating content from one cluster node to another.
For example, the cluster consists of two nodes, Node 1 and Node 2. You want to deploy two modules, A and B. Also, B depends on A. Suppose A is a very big module and takes more than 20 seconds to compile. If A is deployed on Node 1, it must be replicated to Node 2 and then compiled on Node 2, before it is available on Node 2. If B is deployed to Node 2 before A is ready there, there is an error. To avoid this type of error, set the cookie to tell the web server to use Node 1 to deploy B.
Clustering relies on GemFire, a third-party distributed data management platform. GemFire persists data to files that are stored in SAS/config/LevN/Web/WebAppServer/SASServer13_X/logs. The filenames contain the masgemfire sub-string. Those files should be left alone. Also, make sure that enough disk space is allocated to the SAS/config/LevN/Web/WebAppServer/SASServer13_X/logs directory so that the cache files grow.
These files should not be truncated or deleted regardless of their size.
Sometimes they might appear to be zero bytes. GemFire also uses the word BACKUP in some of the filenames. Deleting or truncating these files deletes the modules repository.
In a typical deployment, a middle-tier node uses the middle tier's GemFire locator. A locator is used in the peer-to-peer cache to discover other processes. If the whole cluster must be restarted, the commands to start the middle tier and middle-tier node should be submitted immediately one after another. The order does not matter.
Note: The GemFire locator must be started cleanly before the other nodes are started. The other nodes should then be stagger started, to reduce the load on the GemFire locator. In addition, it is important to periodically back up the GemFire persistence storage for production systems.

License Files for Clusters

If you run applications that perform database I/O, your license (SID) file must include licensing for the database access solutions that you intend to use. SID files are not automatically distributed to cluster nodes. When clustering, choose one of these approaches:
  • Place your license file on a shared disk, and enter the path to it when prompted by the SAS Deployment Wizard.
  • Copy the license file to each cluster node, and enter the relative path to the license file when prompted by the SAS Deployment Wizard.
If you choose the second option, you must copy the updated license file to each cluster node whenever your SAS software licenses are renewed or modified.