Example: JAVA Interface

Instantiate SAS Micro Analytic Service

When using the Java interface, instantiating the tksfjni Java class starts SAS Micro Analytic Service.
Note: When using the REST interface, the service is started automatically when the web application is started.
int threads = 4;
TkLight tk = new tksfjni(threads, null);
The threads argument creates a threaded kernel thread pool of size 4. The SAS threaded kernel architecture is the internal architecture that enables SAS analytics. SAS Micro Analytic Service uses the worker threads in the threaded kernel thread pool to dispatch code compilation and execution tasks. For most applications, the best performance is achieved by setting the thread pool size to be approximately equivalent to the number of cores in the server where SAS Micro Analytic Service is running. Passing zero as the threads argument causes SAS Micro Analytic Service to set the thread pool size equal to the total number of logical processors that are present on the hosting server. For example, Intel hyper-threaded processors have two logical processors per core. Therefore, if threads is specified as zero on a system that has one Intel quad-core hyper-threaded processor, the thread pool size is 8. Changing the thread pool size requires restarting SAS Micro Analytic Service.
The second argument, which is null in the example above, can be used to specify the location of a logging configuration file that controls SAS Micro Analytic Service logging. SAS Micro Analytic Service uses the SAS 9.4 Logging Facility. For more information, see SAS 9.4 Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference.

Create a User Context

All modules are owned by a user context, so you must create a context to contain the module that is published below.
// Create a user context
long userCtx  = tk.newUserContext("My user context");
if (userCtx == -1) {
		System.out.println("   User context creation failed.");
Note: When you use the REST interface, the creation of a context is done automatically.
The steps that follow illustrate how to publish code to SAS Micro Analytic Service, where it is compiled and prepared for high-performance execution.

Create Modules

Create a module to hold the revisions of the code by calling the newModuleContext() method, with the user context ID. Doing this causes the new module to be owned by the user context you just created.
long moduleCtx = tk.newModuleContext(userCtx, Language.DS2, 
								"myPgk", 0);
if (moduleCtx == -1) {
	      System.out.println("   Module context creation failed.");
The second argument, Language.DS2, specifies that you are using this module to publish a DS2 package. The third argument is the package name, which should match the package name in the source code. If it does not, SAS Micro Analytic Service corrects the name upon successfully creating the revision.
Now you need source code to publish. See DS2 Programming for SAS Micro Analytic Service for information about writing code for SAS Micro Analytic Service. This example uses the following simple program:
String myCode = "ds2_options sas;\n" +
			"package myPkg;\n" +
			"method myMth(int i, in_out int j);\n" +
			"   j = i + 5;\n" +
			"end;\n" +
The source code is passed to SAS Micro Analytic Service as a string argument to the newRevision() method. Notice the escaped newline characters at the end of each line. If you read in the source code from a file, the newline characters are included. However, if you use a literal string as above, the best practice is to include newline characters so that any compiler messages can be easily traced to the given line number.
To publish your code to SAS Micro Analytic Service, call the newRevision() method, passing in the module ID, source code string, and a description. The last two parameters are for options that are not used with DS2.
int rev = tk.newRevision(moduleCtx, myCode, 
					"my DS2 package", null, 0);
if (rev > 0) {
			System.out.println("   Revision " + rev + " created.");
else {
			System.out.println("   Revision not created.");
If the revision number that is returned is greater than zero, the code compiled correctly and is now ready to be executed. Otherwise, call the following function in order to check the compiler messages for errors:
String[] msgs = tk.getCompilationMessages(moduleCtx);
The example package contains one method, called “myMth,” which has one input and one output argument. Before executing the method, you must create the method arguments. The Java interface uses a tksfValues object to pass arguments to and from the method to execute.
tksfValues args = new tksfValues(2, 1);
The first parameter to the tksfValues constructor is the total number of method arguments, including both inputs and outputs. The second parameter specifies the number of output arguments from the method. Because DS2 output arguments are passed by reference, both inputs and outputs must be populated in the tksfValues object. For more information, see DS2 Programming for SAS Micro Analytic Service.
Note: The REST API does not support method overloading.
Continue to change the value in the argument vector and call the execute() function, as many times as needed. The execute() function takes the following arguments: user context ID, module ID, revision number (passing zero selects the latest revision), the name of the method to execute, and the populated tksfValues object.
rc = tk.execute(userCtx, moduleCtx, rev, "myMth", args);
Successful execution returns zero for the return code, and the results can be retrieved from the tksfValues object. Arguments are positional and are retrieved by the zero-based index. In this case, the single integer output value can be retrieved from index position 1 (the second slot in the argument’s object).
if (rc == 0)
			int result = args.getInt(1);

Basic Steps for Using SAS Micro Analytic Service

Using SAS Micro Analytic Service involves four steps. When you are using the REST interface, the first two are handled automatically.
Annotated Steps
Basic Steps