User Context Methods

User (or business) contexts have two primary functions:
  • A user context is a container of modules. Every module is parented to one and only one user context.
  • User contexts provide isolated execution environments. The operations of one user context are not visible to any other user context.
Note: Recall that there is no functional difference between a user context and a business context. Whether contexts are used to provide each user with their own environment, or whether they are used to insulate business units from one another, is application-specific. The set of functionality is the same. SAS Micro Analytic Service uses the UserContext construct for both business and user contexts.
Here is a list of available methods:
long newUserContext(java.lang.String displayName)
Creates a new user or business context and returns an opaque pointer to it. Modules are organized by user context. User contexts are isolated from one another.
displayName - The name that is used in log messages.
handle - The opaque context identifier (opaque pointer) that is used to pass to functions that require a user context identifier.
void deleteUserContext(long userContext)
Deletes a user context and all modules that are associated with it.
userContext - The opaque user context handle of the context to delete.
boolean userContextExists(long userContext)
Queries the existence of a user context.
userContext - The opaque user context handle.
Boolean - True if the context exists, False otherwise.
java.lang.String getUserContextDisplayName(long userContext)
Retrieves the display name of the given user context.
userContext - The opaque user context handle.
long[] getModuleIDs(long userContext)
Retrieves the IDs of all modules that are currently loaded in the system.
The long array of the module IDs.
java.lang.String[] getModuleNames(long userContext)
Retrieves the names of all modules that are currently loaded in the system.
The string array of the module IDs.
Note: The C modules are named according to the value of the displayName argument passed to newModuleContext(). DS2 modules are named for the DS2 package that the module represents (such as the package name given in the source code).
Note: If the value of the displayName argument to newModuleContext() differs from the DS2 package name that was given in the source code, the module name changes when the first revision of the DS2 package is created.
java.util.Date getUserContextCreationDateTime(long userContext)
Gets the user context creation datetime.
userContext - The opaque user context handle.
The creation datetime in SAS form (GMT seconds since 1960).
java.util.Date getUserContextLastModifiedDateTime(long userContext)
Gets the user context last modified datetime.
userContext - The opaque user context handle.
The datetime of the last modification in SAS form (GMT seconds since 1960).
Here is an example of creating a new user context:
long userCtx  = tk.newUserContext("A user context");
if (userCtx <= 0) {
	    System.out.println("   User context creation failed.");
The user context handle that is returned from newUserContext() actually represents a C language pointer that is maintained in the SAS Micro Analytic Service core. The pointer is opaque to Java and represented as a value of type long. This value can be used to pass to any method that requires a user context identifier. It should not be modified.