
Micro Analytic Service

A small footprint, near real-time or machine-embedded, analytical service providing the ability to embed SAS analytics into very small portable systems requiring near real-time or transactional analytics.

Micro Analytic Module

A collection item that contains multiple steps of analytical logic. The SAS Micro Analytic Service REST API representation of a collection of units of step code to execute analytical logic.

Micro Analytic Step

A unit of analytical logic that is executed. It includes input and output values. Here is an example: the name value pairs that contain the input values required to execute the step and the output values that are generated as a result of its execution. For DS2 source, a step is defined as a method. When the step is executed, a specific method in the module is executed.


An assembly of methods defined by a DS2 source.


A unit of DS2 source that has input and output variables.


Variables defined as inputs into a method and outputs from the execution of a method.

Input Signature

A description of the input values required to execute the step. The attributes of the input signature include the input variable, its data type, and the dimensions where applicable.

Output Signature

A description of the output values. Here is an example: the name value pairs that describe the name of the output variable, its data type, and the dimensions where applicable.


A container of units of analytical code to be executed. For a DS2 source, it is a package.

Module ID

A generated unique string that identifies a module in an installation. When the installation is a cluster, no two modules created on two different cluster nodes have the same ID.

Module Name

A name associated with a module. For a DS2 source, this corresponds to the package name. A DS2 package name can be quoted. Because of that, it is not convenient to use it on the URL to specify the module for an HTTP operation. Even though the module name is not used to identify a module, each module name has to be unique in an installation.


A unit of analytical code to be executed. For a DS2 source, it is a method.

Step ID

The name of a step that is included in the micro analytic module. For a DS2 source, this corresponds to the name of a method. The combination of module ID and step ID is used to retrieve the individual step.

Source Code

The input analytic source code that is compiled into a micro analytic module containing one or more steps.