METAOPERATE procedure enables you to perform administrative tasks
in batch mode that are associated with the SAS Metadata Server. PROC
METAOPERATE performs the following tasks:
delete, empty, or unregister a
SAS Metadata Repository
pause the metadata server to temporarily
change it to a more restrictive state, and then resume it to the online
refresh the metadata server to:
reload authorization inheritance
enable or disable Application Response
Measurement (ARM) logging
specify a new filename for metadata
server journaling
stop or get the status of the metadata
Beginning in SAS 9.3,
PROC METAOPERATE can be used to:
execute an ad hoc server backup
change the metadata server's backup
change the metadata server's backup
recover the SAS Metadata Server
from an earlier backup, and perform roll-forward recovery from the
metadata server journal
terminate the recovery if you need
to regain control of the metadata server during the recovery process
rebuild or restart the scheduler
that executes the server backups