Sets an ACT attribute.


rc = METASEC_SETACTA(tc, act_uri, attr, attr_value);

Required Arguments

tc (in)
specifies a transaction context handle; can be an empty string " " to invoke with a temporary context. If tc is returned from the METASEC_BEGTRAN function, then tc references an existing ACT.
act_uri (in)
specifies a character variable or constant that contains the URI of the ACT that you are modifying; can be blank if the ACT was specified when creating the TC. Use the following form of URI: ”omsobj:AccessControlTemplate/xxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy”.
attr (in)
specifies a character variable that specifies the ACT attribute that you are setting; see Details.
attr_value (out)
returns a character variable that contains the value of the ACT attribute that you are setting; any specified attribute values replace the current values for the ACT. See Details.

Return Values

Successful completion.
Unable to connect to the metadata server.
-99 or less
Attribute is not set; see log or sysmsg() for information.


This function calls the ISecAdmin method SetAccessControlTemplateAttribs(). For information about the method, see SAS Open Metadata Interface: Reference and Usage.
Lowercase or mixed-case ACT attributes (Name, Desc, Use) are automatically uppercased (NAME, DESC, USE). The following table provides more information about the attr and attr_value arguments.
ACT Attribute Specifications
Attribute Value
Maximum Length of Attribute Value
Character string
Optional; the attribute value must be unique within the repository.
Character string
REPOS or empty string
Optional; when you specify REPOS, the ACT becomes the new default repository ACT. When you specify an empty string, the ACT is removed from being the default repository ACT. See the following caution.
Passing in an empty string for the USE attribute is not recommended.
Passing in an empty string has an effect only when the ACT already has USE=REPOS. However, setting a repository ACT's USE attribute to a blank leaves the repository in a default mode where all permissions are granted. If you want to change the default ACT, it is recommended that you set USE=REPOS on the ACT that you want to use as the repository ACT. The metadata server automatically removes the USE=REPOS attribute from the previous repository ACT. Thus the repository is not left in a mode with no repository ACT.
See Example: Working with ACTs for a usage example.