Submit the GetMetadataObjects method. The <XMLSelect> element searches for InformationMap, which is a specific TransformRole of a Transformation object. The metadata server returns metadata for all of the SAS Information Maps that are registered in the specified repository. For details about information maps, see the Base SAS Guide to Information Maps. For more information about using the <XMLSelect> element, see SAS Open Metadata Interface: Reference.
filename myinput temp lrecl=256; filename myoutput "C:\results.xml" lrecl=256; data _null_; file myinput; input; put _infile_ ' '; datalines; <GetMetadataObjects> <Reposid>A0000001.A57DQR88</Reposid> <Type>Transformation</Type> <Objects/> <NS>SAS</NS> <Flags>401</Flags> <Options> <XMLSelect search="Transformation[@TransformRole='InformationMap']"/> </Options> </GetMetadataObjects> ;; run; proc metadata in=myinput out=myoutput; run;