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METADATA Procedure

Syntax: METADATA Procedure

Requirement: The metadata server must be running.
Tip: Be careful when you modify metadata objects, because many objects have dependencies on other objects. A product like SAS Management Console or SAS Data Integration Studio is recommended for the routine maintenance of metadata. Before you use PROC METADATA, run a full backup of repositories. For more information, see the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide. If you create a new object, the object might be unusable if you do not create the proper attributes and associations. For more information, see SAS Metadata Model: Reference.
Featured in: Example: Creating a Report with the METADATA Procedure and the XML Engine
Table of Contents: METADATA Procedure

PROC METADATA <server-connection-arguments>
IN = "XML-formatted-method-call" | fileref
<OUT = fileref>

Task Statement
Send an XML string to the metadata server PROC METADATA Statement

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