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About SAS/ACCESS Software

Dynamic LIBNAME Engine


Beginning in Version 7, you can associate a SAS libref directly with a database, schema, server, or group of tables and SAS views, depending on your DBMS. To assign a libref to DBMS data, you must use the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement, which has syntax and options that are different from the Base SAS LIBNAME statement. For example, to connect to an ORACLE database, you might use the following SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement:

libname mydblib oracle user=smith password=secret 

This LIBNAME statement connects to ORACLE by specifying the ORACLE connection options: USER=, PASSWORD=, and PATH=. In addition to the connection options, you can specify SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME options that control the type of database connection that is made. You can use additional options to control how your data is processed.

You can use a DATA step, SAS procedures, or the Explorer window to view and update the DBMS data associated with the libref, or use the DATASETS and CONTENTS procedures to view information about the DBMS objects.

See your SAS/ACCESS documentation for a full listing of the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME options that can be used with librefs that refer to DBMS data.

Using Data Set Options with SAS/ACCESS Librefs

After you have assigned a libref to your DBMS data, you can use SAS/ACCESS data set options, and some of the Base SAS data set options, on the data. The following example associates a libref with DB2 data and uses the SQL procedure to query the data:

libname mydb2lib db2;

proc sql;
   select * 
      from mydb2lib.employees(drop=salary)
      where dept='Accounting';

The LIBNAME statement connects to DB2. You can reference a DBMS object, in this case, a DB2 table, by specifying a two-level name that is comprised of the libref and the DBMS object name. The DROP= data set option causes the SALARY column of the EMPLOYEES table on DB2 to be excluded from the data that is returned by the query.

See your SAS/ACCESS documentation for a full listing of the SAS/ACCESS data set options and the Base SAS data set options that can be used on data sets that refer to DBMS data.

Embedding a SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME Statement in a PROC SQL View

You can issue a SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement by itself, as shown in the previous examples, or as part of a CREATE VIEW statement in PROC SQL. The USING clause of the CREATE VIEW statement enables you to store DBMS connection information in a SAS view by embedding a SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement inside the SAS view. The following example uses an embedded SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement:

libname viewlib 'SAS-library'; 

proc sql;
   create view viewlib.emp_view as
      select * 
         from mydblib.employees
         using libname mydblib oracle user=smith password=secret 

When PROC SQL executes the SAS view, the SELECT statement assigns the libref and establishes the connection to the DBMS. The scope of the libref is local to the SAS view and does not conflict with identically named librefs that might exist in the SAS session. When the query finishes, the connection is terminated and the libref is deassigned.

Note:   You can also embed a Base SAS LIBNAME statement in a PROC SQL view.  [cautionend]

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