Syntax Conventions

In traditional SAS syntax, angle brackets (<>) are used to denote optional syntax. In the logging configuration file syntax, square brackets ([ ]) are used to denote optional syntax. The logging configuration file syntax uses the following symbols:
< >
The left angle bracket begins an XML element. The right angle bracket ends an XML element.
A slash before an element name ends the element definition.
A slash followed by a right angle bracket ends the definition for the <param>, <level>, and <appender-ref> subelements.
[ ]
Square brackets identify optional elements or arguments. Any XML element or attribute that is not enclosed in square brackets is required.
A vertical bar indicates that you can choose one value from a group of values. Values separated by bars are mutually exclusive.
For repeated elements, the -1 after an element indicates the first element. The ellipsis before an element and the -n after the same element indicates that the element can be repeated any number of times.
" "
Double quotation marks identify an attribute value.