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Appender Reference


IOMServerAppender Overview

IOMServerAppender writes log messages from any IOM server (for example, a SAS Metadata Server, a SAS OLAP Server, or a SAS Stored Process Server) to a volatile runtime cache. The contents of the cache are available for display on the Log tab of SAS Management Console.

IOMServerAppender Syntax

XML Configuration
<appender class="IOMServer" name="appender-name">
<param name="MaxEntries" value="maxiumum-number of-entries"/>
<param name="Threshold" value="TRACE | DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR | FATAL"/>
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="conversion-pattern"/>

IOMServerAppender Syntax Description

name="MaxEntries" value="maximum-number-of-entries"

an integer that specifies the maximum number of messages that are stored in the cache. When the maximum number is reached, the oldest messages are deleted as new messages are added.

Required: No
Default: 10000
name="Threshold" value="TRACE | DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR | FATAL"

specifies the lowest event level that this appender processes. Events that are below the specified level are ignored. The valid values are listed here from lowest to highest.

Required: No
Default: None
See: Logging Thresholds
name="ConversionPattern" value="conversion-pattern"

specifies how the log message is written to the log.

Required: No
Default: None. If a conversion pattern is not specified, then the log event produces an empty string.
Main discussion: Pattern Layout

IOMServerAppender Example

The following instance of IOMServerAppender writes a maximum of 10,000 messages to a runtime cache. When the cache contains 10,000 messages, the oldest messages are deleted as new messages are added.

<appender class="IOMServerAppender" name="IOMServer">
   <param name="MaxEntries" value="10000"/>  
      <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %-5p [%t] %X{Client.ID}:%u - %m"/>

IOMServerAppender Usage and Best Practices

IOMServerAppender makes server log messages available for display on the Log tab of SAS Management Console. For more information, see "Use the Log Tab in Server Manager" in the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.

If you perform a planned deployment, then IOMServerAppender definitions are included in the logging configurations for most of your SAS servers. Follow these best practices when modifying these definitions:

Note:   A location for temporary files must be defined on the host operating system. If a location has not been defined, then the process that is being logged fails with the following message: Error creating IOMServerAppender index cache. The location required for storing temporary utility files does not exist.

If a location for temporary files is not already defined, use one of the following procedures to define it:


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