RUN Statement

Executes the previously entered SAS statements.
Valid in: Anywhere
Category: Program Control



Without Arguments

Without arguments, the RUN statement executes the previously entered SAS statements.


terminates the current step without executing it. SAS prints a message that indicates that the step was not executed.
The CANCEL option does not prevent execution of a DATA step that contains a DATALINES or DATALINES4 statement.
The CANCEL option has no effect when you use the KILL option with PROC DATASETS.


Although the RUN statement is not required between steps in a SAS program, using it creates a step boundary and can make the SAS log easier to read.


Example 1: Executing SAS Statements

This RUN statement marks a step boundary and executes this PROC PRINT step:
proc print data=report;
   title 'Status Report';

Example 2: Using the CANCEL Option

This example shows the usefulness of the CANCEL option in a line prompt mode session. The fourth statement in the DATA step contains an invalid value for PI (4.13 instead of 3.14). RUN with CANCEL ends the DATA step and prevents it from executing.
data circle;
   infile file-specification;
   input radius;
run cancel;
The following message is written to the SAS log:
WARNING: DATA step not executed at user's request.