Determines whether a software image exists in the version of SAS that you have installed.

Category: Numeric



Required Argument


specifies a character constant, variable, or expression that is the name of the product image that you are checking.


The MODEXIST function determines whether a software image exists in the version of SAS that you have installed. If an image exists, then MODEXIST returns a value of 1. If an image does not exist, then MODEXIST returns a value of 0.


The MODEXIST function determines whether a software image exists in the version of SAS that you have installed. The SYSPROD function determines whether a product is licensed.


This example determines whether a product is licensed and the image is installed. The example returns a value of 1 if a SAS/GRAPH image is installed in your version of SAS, and returns a value of 0 if the image is not installed. The SYSPROD function determines whether the product is licensed.
data _null_;
   rc1 = sysprod('graph');
   rc2 = modexist('sasgplot');
   put rc1= rc2=;
Output from MODEXIST
rc1=1 rc2=1