PERCENTNw.d Format

Produces percentages, using a minus sign for negative values.

Category: Numeric
Alignment: Right
Interaction: When the DECIMALCONV= system option is set to STDIEEE, the output that is written using this format might differ slightly from previous releases. For more information, see DECIMALCONV= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference.



Syntax Description


specifies the width of the output field.

Default 6
Range 4–32
Tip The width of the output field must account for the minus sign ( – ), the percent sign ( % ), and a trailing blank, whether the number is negative or positive.


specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the numeric value. This argument is optional.

Range 0–31
Requirement must be less than w


The PERCENTNw.d format multiplies negative values by 100, formats them the same as the BESTw.d format, adds a minus sign to the beginning of the value, and adds a percent sign (%) to the end of the formatted value.


The PERCENTNw.d format produces percents by using a minus sign instead of parentheses for negative values. The PERCENTw.d format produces percents by using parentheses for negative values.


put x percentn10.;
Value of x

See Also