Specifies how observations are compressed in a new output SAS data set.
Valid in: | DATA step and PROC steps |
Category: | Data Set Control |
Restriction: | Use with output data sets only. |
specifies that the observations in a newly created SAS data set are uncompressed (maintaining fixed-length records).
specifies that the observations in a newly created SAS data set are compressed (producing variable-length records) by using RLE (Run Length Encoding). RLE compresses observations by reducing repeated runs of the same character (including blanks) to two-byte or three-byte representations.
Alias | ON |
specifies that the observations in a newly created SAS data set are compressed (producing variable-length records) by using RDC (Ross Data Compression). RDC combines run-length encoding and sliding-window compression to compress the file by representing repeated byte patterns more efficiently.
options compress=yes; proc copy in=work out=new noclone; select x; run;
data mylib.CharRepeats(compress=char); length ca $ 200; do i=1 to 100000; ca='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'; cb='bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'; cc='cccccccccccccccccccccc'; output; end; run;
NOTE: Compressing data set MYLIB.CHARREPEATS decreased size by 88.55 percent. Compressed is 45 pages; un-compressed would require 393 pages.
data mylib.StringRepeats(compress=binary); length cabcd $ 200; do i=1 to 1000000; cabcd='abcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd'; cefgh='efghefghefghefghefghefghefghefgh'; cijkl='ijklijklijklijklijklijklijklijkl'; output; end; run;
NOTE: Compressing data set MYLIB.STRINGREPEATS decreased size by 70.27 percent. Compressed is 1239 pages; un-compressed would require 4167 pages.