Traverses a list of duplicate keys in the hash object.
Applies to: | Hash object |
specifies the name of the hash object.
specifies the key value whose type must match the corresponding key variable that is specified in a DEFINEKEY method call.
, that contains
duplicate keys. The DO_OVER and RESET_DUP methods are used to iterate
through the duplicate dup; length key data 8; input key data; datalines; 1 10 2 11 1 15 3 20 2 16 2 9 3 100 5 5 1 5 4 6 5 99 ; run; data _null_; length r 8; dcl hash h(dataset:'dup', multidata: 'y', ordered: 'y'); h.definekey('key'); h.definedata('key', 'data'); h.definedone(); h.reset_dup(); key = 2; do while(h.do_over(key:key) eq 0); put key= data=; end; key = 3; do while(h.do_over(key:key) eq 0); put key= data=; end; key = 2; do while(h.do_over(key:key) eq 0); put key= data=; end; run;
key=2 data=11 key=2 data=16 key=2 data=9 key=3 data=20 key=3 data=100 key=2 data=11 key=2 data=16 key=2 data=9