Indicates that all key and data definitions are complete.

Applies to: Hash object


rc = object.DEFINEDONE( );
rc = object.DEFINEDONE (MEMRC: 'y');



specifies whether the method succeeded or failed.

A return code of zero indicates success; a nonzero value indicates failure. If you do not supply a return code variable for the method call and the method fails, then an appropriate error message is written to the log.


specifies the name of the hash object.


enables recovery from memory failure when loading a data set into a hash object.

If a call fails because of insufficient memory to load a data set, a nonzero return code is returned. The hash object frees the principal memory in the underlying array. The only allowable operation after this type of failure is deletion via the DELETE method.


When the DEFINEDONE method is called and the dataset argument tag is used with the constructor, the data set is loaded into the hash object.
The hash object works by storing and retrieving data based on lookup keys. The keys and data are DATA step variables, which you use to initialize the hash object by using dot notation method calls. You define a key by passing the key variable name to the DEFINEKEY method. You define data by passing the data variable name to the DEFINEDATA method. When you have defined all key and data variables, you must call the DEFINEDONE method to complete initialization of the hash object. Keys and data consist of any number of character or numeric DATA step variables.
For detailed information about how to use the DEFINEDONE method, see Defining Keys and Data in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.

See Also

Defining Keys and Data in SAS Language Reference: Concepts