Displays the value of one or more variables.
Category: Manipulating DATA Step Variables
Alias: E


EXAMINE variable-1 <format-1> <...variable-n<format-n>>
EXAMINE _ALL_ <format>

Required Arguments

identifies a DATA step variable.
identifies all variables that are defined in the current DATA step.

Optional Argument

identifies a SAS format or a user-created format.


The EXAMINE command displays the value of one or more specified variables. The debugger displays the value using the format currently associated with the variable, unless you specify a different format.


  • Display the values of variables N and STR:
    ex n str
  • Display the element i of the array TESTARR:
    ex testarr{i}
  • Display the elements i+1, j*2, and k-3 of the array CRR:
    ex crr{i+1}; ex crr{j*2}; ex crr{k−3}
  • Display the SAS date variable T_DATE with the DATE7. format:
    ex t_date date7.
  • Display the values of all elements in array NEWARR:
    ex newarr{*}

See Also
