Working with Templates and Style Sheets


You can use the default templates and style sheets that SAS IT Resource Management provides or you can create your own. You can choose to create your own template or style sheet. If you do, use the defaults as a parent or model and make only the necessary adjustments for your custom needs.
Before you modify a template, style sheet, or any other reporting component that SAS IT Resource Management provides, make a copy of the supplied component as a backup and modify the copy.
SAS IT Resource Management enables you to identify the templates and style sheets that you want to use for reports. However, these components are created and specified with other SAS products. For example, you can use Base SAS to create and specify a template by invoking and specifying the TEMPLATE procedure. You can use SAS Enterprise Guide to work with style sheets.
As you work with templates and style sheets for your IT reports, refer to the documentation in the appropriate SAS product for more information. For more information about how to work with templates, see the documentation for the TEMPLATE procedure in SAS Output Delivery System: User’s Guide at http:\\ For more information about how to work with style sheets, see the Help for SAS Enterprise Guide.

Create or Specify a Different Template for Batch Reports

To create or specify a different template for batch reports, perform the following steps:
  1. Use Base SAS to create a new template by modifying the template source file. For best results, save the new source file and template file with the new name in the same location as the default template at <SAS install location>\SAS\SASFoundation\9.4\itrmmvadata\sasmisc (such as C:\Program Files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.4\itrmmvadata\sasmisc) and <SAS install location>\SAS\SASFoundation\9.4\itrmmvadata\sashelp.
    For more information about modifying a report template, see the documentation for PROC TEMPLATE at http:\\
  2. Modify the Performance Report transformation in your report jobs to specify the new template name.
  3. Redeploy your report jobs.
Note: For best results, use the same template when working with SAS Enterprise Guide interactively. For more information about working with style sheets in SAS Enterprise Guide, see the Help for SAS Enterprise Guide.

Create or Specify a Different Style Sheet for Batch Reports

If you want to use a style sheet other than the one that is already specified in your report jobs, perform the following steps:
  1. Make a copy of the default style sheet and use a text editor or SAS Enterprise Guide to modify the style sheet specifications. For more information about working with style sheets in SAS Enterprise Guide, see the Help for SAS Enterprise Guide.
  2. Copy your new style sheet to one of the following supported locations:
    • the web application server directory on your middle tier (such as <webapp root>/SASContentServer/).
    • a folder on all clients where the web browser is initiated (such as file://c:/program files/<folder name>/).
      Note: For ease-of-use and portability of report jobs, use the web application server location.
  3. Modify the Performance Report transformation in your report jobs to point to the new style sheet name and location.
  4. Redeploy your report jobs
Note: For best results, use the same style sheet when working with SAS Enterprise Guide interactively. For more information about working with style sheets in SAS Enterprise Guide, see the Help for SAS Enterprise Guide.