SAS Visual Analytics

SAS IT Resource Management customers can use SAS Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting to visually explore SAS IT Resource Management data. Customers can design and create reports. They can also view and interact with those reports on the web or on a mobile device such as a tablet. SAS Visual Analytics provides access to the SAS LASR Analytic Server, which is an in-memory engine specifically designed for analytic processing in a scalable manner.
For more information, see the following topics that are in SAS IT Resource Management 3.5: Administrator’s Guide:
  • “Macros for Visual Analytics Integration,” in Appendix 8, “Macros”
  • “Integrating Visual Analytics with SAS IT Resource Management” in Appendix 9, “Best Practices and Troubleshooting Tips”
  • Appendix 14, “Using SAS Visual Analytics Designer”