Standards for SAS IT Resource Management Report Elements


Many reports have the following two titles:
  • Title1 shows the report metrics.
  • Title2 provides information about the level of data that is being reported.
    Note: The BY line and the axis of the report also help the report viewer determine the level of data that is being reported.
The following figure provides an example of Title1 and Title2 in a SAS IT Resource Management report with a BY Line.
Titles and BY Line in a SAS IT Resource Management Report
Titles and BY Line in a SAS IT Resource Management Report
The following table provides information about how Title2 standards map to the aggregation level for the report.
Title2 Sample
Aggregation Level
Day Job
Intervals for the Day
Hours for the Day
Hours for last 3 Days
Hours for last 7 Days
Shifts for the Day
For the Day
Week Job
Daily Hours for the Week
Daily Peak Hours for the Week
Daily Shifts for the Week
Days for the Week
Days for last 4 Weeks
Weekly Hours for last 4 Weeks
Weekly Hours for the Week
By Shift and Week
For the Week
By Week
Month Job
Daily Hours for the Month
Daily Peak Hours for the Month
Daily Shifts for the Month
Days for the Month
Days for last 2 Months
Monthly Hours for the Month
Monthly Hours for last 3 Months
By Shift and Month
For the Month
By Month


Use a footnote to indicate that a filter was used to subset the report data. Here are some examples:
  • Server with high CpuBusyPctWMean for the day
  • Server with high CpuBusyPctWMean for the week
  • Server with high CpuBusyPctWMean for the month
  • Server with high CpuBusyPctWMean for one or more days
  • Servers with highest CpuBusyPctWMean for the day
  • Servers with highest CpuBusyPctWMean for one or more days
Use the following default as the second line of the footnote:
The following figure provides an example of a footnote in a SAS IT Resource Management report.
Footnote in a SAS IT Resource Management Report
Footnote in a SAS IT Resource Management Report


To imitate the axis standards for SAS IT Resource Management reports, implement the following specifications:
  • Specify a generic axis label for reports that contain legends, when you are plotting multiple statistics, or when the default labels on the axis are ambiguous.
  • Turn off minor tick marks.
  • For reports with hour on the horizontal axis, use 0 to 23 by 1.
  • For reports with hour on the vertical axis, use 0 to 24 by 2.
  • For reports with time on the horizontal axis, use “00:00”t to “24:00”t by “02:00”t.
  • For reports with percentages on the vertical axis, use 0 to 100 by 20.


A template named ITRMDefault is used for default colors in SAS IT Resource Management reports. However, most reports do not require that colors be specified explicitly in the report task.
Most of the colors that are defined in the ITRMDefault template were selected from the autumn color scheme and from a set of the SAS Enterprise Guide window default colors.
If you want to specify a color in a report task, the following colors (in SAS Enterprise Guide) complement the colors in the ITRMDefault template:
  • blue gray
  • dark yellow
  • light orange
  • teal
  • pale blue
  • lavender
  • tan
  • gold
  • light yellow
  • lime
  • light green
Use black for needle plots that include a symbol for a standard deviation metric.

Group BY

Be consistent with the placement of BY variables in your reports. SAS IT Resource Management reports use the following order to place BY variables in reports:
  1. date, if used
  2. date-related ID columns such as DayOfDay
  3. other classification columns

Reference Lines

To imitate the reference line standards for SAS IT Resource Management reports, implement the following specifications:
  • Use reference lines when possible.
  • When plotting two metrics on the left and right axis, use a reference line for the most important metric that is plotted on the left vertical axis.
  • Use values 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 when using a reference line for a percent metric.
  • Do not specify values when using reference lines if you do not know the minimum and maximum values for the metric.
  • Use the style Dashed.
  • Use the color Gray - 25%.
  • Include a footnote about the reference if needed.


SAS IT Resource Management reports use the default fonts for SAS Enterprise Guide.


SAS IT Resource Management reports use the default formats that are inherited from their aggregation tables or information maps.


To imitate the symbols standards for SAS IT Resource Management reports, implement the following specifications:
  • Use the dot symbol with size 8.
  • Use the triangle symbol when plotting a standard deviation statistic.
  • Use symbols when they do not overcrowd the graph.