Creating Tabular Reports Using SAS Enterprise Guide

This section discusses the means by which tabular reports were created with SAS IT Resource Management 2.7 and the recommended means by which they are created using SAS IT Resource Management 3.2 (and later versions of the solution).

About Tabular Reports

The following table shows the six tabular report types that are available in SAS IT Resource Management 2.7 and the corresponding SAS Enterprise Guide task that is available to generate those report types in SAS IT Resource Management 3.2 (and later versions of the solution).
SAS IT Resource Management 2.7 Report Types and Corresponding SAS Enterprise Guide Tasks
Tabular Report Type
SAS Enterprise Guide Task
Analysis X Statistic
Summary Tables task
Class (value) X Analysis (Statistic)
Summary Tables task
Class (value) X Statistic (Analysis)
Summary Tables task
Class (value) X Analysis (Sum)
Summary Tables task
Class values X Class (Analysis (Statistic))
Summary Tables task
Class values X Analysis (Statistic)
Summary Tables task
SAS IT Resource Management 2.7 uses the macro %CPTABRPT to create all of the variations that are shown in the preceding table. In SAS Enterprise Guide, you can create any of these variations with the Summary Tables task.
The following examples show the report output and the Summary Tables task for each of the preceding variations. To create any of the reports in examples 21–27, perform the following steps:
  1. Select the Summary Tables task located in the Describe menu.
  2. In the Task Roles window, assign the analysis columns that you want to include in your report to the Analysis columns task role.
  3. In the Task Roles window, assign the class columns that you want to include in your report to the Classification columns task role.
  4. In the Summary Tables window, drag and drop the analysis columns and the classification columns to the appropriate section of the Box Area. The second display of each example below provides a guide for where to drag and drop the variables.
  5. (Optional) In the Task Roles window, assign one or more class columns to the Pages role.

Example 21

Tabular Report Analysis X Statistic

Tabular Report Analysis X Statistic
Summary Table Properties for Tabular Report Named “Type 1”

Example 22

Tabular Report Class (Value) X Analysis (Statistic)

Tabular Report Class (Value) X Analysis (Statistic)
Summary Table Properties for Tabular Report Named “Type 2”

Example 23

Tabular Report Class (Value) X Statistic (Analysis)

Tabular Report Class (Value) X Statistic (Analysis)
Summary Table Properties for Tabular Report Named “Type 3”

Example 24

Tabular Report Class (Value) X Analysis (Sum)

Tabular Report Class (Value) X Analysis (Sum)
Summary Table Properties for Tabular Report Named “Type 4”

Example 25

Tabular Report Class Values X Class (Analysis (Statistic))

Tabular Report Class Values X Class (Analysis (Statistic))
Summary Table Properties for Tabular Report Named “Type 5”

Example 26

Tabular Report Class Values X Analysis (Statistic)

Tabular Report Class Values X Analysis (Statistic)
Summary Table Properties for Tabular Report Named “Type 6”

Example 27

Print Report

SAS IT Resource Management 2.7 uses the macro %CPPRINT to create print reports. In SAS Enterprise Guide, you can create a print report, known as a listing report, using the List Data task that is available in the Describe category of report tasks.
To create a print report, perform the following steps:
  1. Select the List Data task that is located in the Describe category of report tasks.
  2. In the Task Roles box, assign the analysis columns and classification columns that you want to include in your report to the List columns task role.
  3. (Optional) In the Task Roles box, assign one or more class columns to the Page by role.
Print Report

Example 28

Source Code

SAS IT Resource Management 2.7 uses the macro %CPSRCRPT to submit SAS code that is stored in a catalog source file. In SAS Enterprise Guide, you submit SAS code by creating and submitting a Program node task. The code that you write is saved in the task within the SAS Enterprise Guide project.
To create a Code task to run source code, perform the following steps:
  1. Select Filethen selectNewthen selectCode from the menu bar.
  2. Enter your SAS code in the Code window.
  3. Right-click and select Run to submit the code.