About Templates and Style Sheets

What Are Templates and Style Sheets

The visual appearance of the reports that SAS IT Resource Management creates is controlled by the following two style components:
describes the default visual aspects (colors, fonts, lines, markers, and so on) of the report graph. The template resides on the server.
style sheet
describes the default visual aspect of report elements that are outside of the graph area such as borders, banners, titles, footnotes, and so on. The style sheet is a *.css file that resides on the client workstation and on the middle tier.
SAS IT Resource Management provides a default template and style sheet for your IT reports. The Adapter Setup wizard and the supplied SAS Enterprise Guide projects use the default template and style sheet to specify the visual style of the reports that they create.

About the Default Template for SAS IT Resource Management Reports

SAS IT Resource Management provides a default template file named tmplitrm.sas7bitm that includes a default template named ITRMDefault. This default template includes updates to a parent template called styles.analysis that SAS provides. These updates include specifications for graph colors in charts and plots.
During installation, SAS IT Resource Management saves the default template files and their source code in folders on the server tier.
Here are the locations of the source code for the templates, based on operating system:
  • Windows: <sashome>\SASFoundation\9.3\itrmmvadata\sasmisc
  • UNIX: <sashome>/SASFoundation/9.3/misc/itrmmvadata
  • z/OS: &prefix.ITRM.CPMISC
Here are the locations of the template, based on operating system:
  • Windows: <sashome>\SASFoundation\9.3\itrmmvadata\sashelp
  • UNIX: <sashome>/SASFoundation/9.3/sashelp
  • z/OS: &prefix.nnnn.SASHELP where nnnn is the country encoding. For example, if nnnn=ENW0 for English, then the location is &prefix.ENW0.SASHELP.

About the Default Style Sheets for SAS IT Resource Management Reports

Default style sheets for SAS IT Resource Management reports are named ITRMDefault.css. These style sheets include report specifications that are unique to SAS IT Resource Management. For example, the report banners represent SAS IT Resource Management and the title fonts as well as border colors complement the visual properties that are specified in the default template for SAS IT Resource Management reports.
SAS IT Resource Management provides two default style sheets. One style sheet specifies the properties for the reports that the supplied SAS Enterprise Guide projects generate. The other style sheet specifies the properties for batch reports. These two style sheets include identical specifications except for the report banner.
The default style sheet that is used in the supplied SAS Enterprise Guide projects includes a SAS IT Resource Management banner. This enables you to see the banner when you run reports interactively with SAS Enterprise Guide. This default style sheet is saved in the same location as the SAS Enterprise Guide style sheets on the client workstation. For example, for a Windows 32-bit system, the location for the style sheet is in the <SAS install location>\SAS\EnterpriseGuide\4.3\Styles folder (such as C:\Program Files\SAS\EnterpriseGuide\4.3\Styles for Windows).
The default style sheet that batch reports use is stored on the SAS Content Server, and it does not include specifications for a report banner. This enables the batch reports to be generated without a banner and thus be easier to view in the Gallery Manager. This version of the style sheet is saved in the Web application server directory on the middle tier at <Web application root>/SASContentServer/repository/default/sasdav/ITRM/styles/.
For more information about how to include your own corporate logo in a banner on an interactive style sheet, see the “Editing Styles: Using Background and Banner Images” topic in the SAS Enterprise Guide Help.