How to Use the Adapter Setup Wizard

The Adapter Setup wizard guides you through several steps that help define staging, aggregation, and reporting components. These components are used to create the ETL jobs that process your IT resource data.
The following information provides brief instructions for completing the Adapter Setup wizard. For more detailed information about the specific fields and requirements for each page of the wizard, see the “Creating Jobs Using the Adapter Setup Wizard” topic in the SAS IT Resource Management: Administrator’s Guide.
  1. From the SAS IT Resource Management menu, select Newthen selectIT Resource Managementthen selectAdapter Setup to open the Adapter Setup wizard.
  2. Specify the adapter for which you want to create jobs.
    Specify the Adapter
    Specify the Adapter Page
  3. Specify the configuration level that represents the scope of output jobs that you want the Adapter Setup wizard to create.
    Note: If you are using an adapter that does not include aggregations that are categorized with configuration levels, then the level is automatically set to create a staging job only and this page does not appear.
    Specify the Level of Output
    Specify the Level of Output Page
    For more information about the metrics and aggregations that are supported for each adapter, see the SAS IT Resource Management metrics documentation. To locate the SAS IT Resource Management documentation, use the Products Index at
  4. Specify the IT data mart where you want to save the ETL jobs that the Adapter Setup wizard will create, or create a new IT data mart.
    Specifying the IT Data Mart
    Specify an IT Data Mart Page
  5. Specify staging parameters for the selected adapter. Staging parameters vary by adapter as they specify the configurations that are required to extract, transform, and load specific raw data into staged tables. The following image is an example of the staging parameters for the DT Perf Sentry adapter:
    Specifying Staging Parameters for the Adapter
    Staging Parameters Page
  6. Specify one or more domain categories that you want the Adapter Setup wizard to use when creating the resulting jobs.
    Note: If you are using an adapter that does not have aggregation and information map jobs available from the Adapter Setup wizard, then the wizard creates only a staging job and skips this page.
    Select the Domain Categories for the Adapter
    Select Domain Categories Page
    For more information, see Using Domain Categories.
  7. Select the time periods and key metrics that you want to use for the aggregation and reporting jobs.
    Note: If you are using an adapter that does not have aggregation and information map jobs available from the Adapter Setup wizard, then the wizard creates only a staging job and skips this page.
    Select Time Periods and Metrics
    Select Time Periods Page
  8. Specify the location of any user-written formulas to use in addition to the formulas that SAS IT Resource Management supplies.
    Specify User-Written Formulas
    Specify Formulas Page
  9. Specify the location of the SAS Content Server where the reports that are generated from the resulting jobs are stored. Also specify whether you want the Adapter Setup wizard to automatically deploy the jobs that it creates.
    This page does not appear if you selected the configuration level Staging Job Only on the second page of the wizard. In this case, the Adapter Setup wizard creates only one staging job that you must deploy manually.
    Specify SAS Content Server and Job Deployment Page
    Specify SAS Content Server and Job Deployment Page
    Note: If you are using domain categories that do not result in reporting jobs, then the SAS Content Server options are not available on this page. For more information, see the “Jobs That the Adapter Setup Wizard Creates for Domain Categories” appendix in the SAS IT Resource Management: Administrator’s Guide.
    The report definitions that the Adapter Setup wizard uses to create the report jobs are stored on the SAS Metadata Server. In addition, the report output that is generated from the report jobs is stored on the SAS Content Server.
    1. If you are using domain categories that result in reporting jobs, then accept the default values for the following parameters for the SAS Content Server:
      SAS Content Server
      specifies the name of the server that is used as the SAS Content Server for storing report definitions and report job outputs.
      Repository folder path
      specifies the path within the SAS Content Server where the reports are stored. The default location is /SASContentServer/repository/default/sasdav/ITRM.
      URL file name parameters
      URL file name parameters specifies the parameters that pertain to the URL filename, such as Proxy, user ID, or password. For example, the contents of this field could be user='userID', pass='password', and so on. The contents of this field are used to communicate with Gallery Manager. In most configurations, these parameters are not needed.
      A value is optional in this field. The default value for this field is blank.
      For information about the contents that can be entered in this field, see the “FILENAME Statement, URL Access Method” topic in the SAS 9.2 Language Reference: Dictionary.
      Note: The contents of the field are not verified.
    2. Specify the parameters to indicate whether you want the Adapter Setup wizard to deploy the jobs that it creates.
  10. View a summary of the metadata that you specified with the Adapter Setup wizard.
    View Specifications
    Summary Page
  11. Click Finish when complete. The wizard creates the jobs and saves them in a folder named <adapter><number> within the IT data mart that you selected.