Accessing ITRM Report Center

Signing in as a Registered User

Access to some ITRM Report Center workspaces and functions is controlled by SAS metadata-based application roles. Permission to access SAS Content Server locations where IT Resource Management reports are available is controlled by SAS metadata-based application groups. Membership in roles and groups is established and maintained by your SAS administrator using SAS Management Console. For more information about groups and roles, see SAS Management Console: Guide to Users and Permissions.
To sign in to ITRM Report Center, perform the following steps:
  1. In the address bar of your web browser, enter the URL for ITRM Report Center. For example, to access your ITRM Report Center, your URL might be http://<Middle-Tier-Server-Name>/ITRMReportCenter or http://<Middle-Tier:Port#>/ITRMReportCenter.
    Then press Enter. The Sign In to SAS window appears.
    Note: Contact your ITRM Report Center administrator if you do not have the URL for ITRM Report Center.
    ITRM Report Center Sign in Window
    ITRM Report Center Sign in Window
  2. Enter a valid user ID and password. Your user ID and password are case-sensitive.
  3. Click Sign In. The ITRM Report Center interface appears.
Note: Unexpected results might occur if you use the same authentication credentials to open and operate multiple sessions of the ITRM Report Center web application at the same time.

Running ITRM Report Center on the Secure Sockets Layer Protocol

Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic protocols that are designed to provide communication security . TLS and SSL are protocols that provide network data privacy, data integrity, and authentication.
Note: All discussion of TLS is also applicable to the predecessor protocol, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
ITRM Report Center can be run on the Transport Layer Security (that is, the HTTPS protocol). The Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the standard security technology for creating an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browser remains private and secure. To generate an encrypted link, a web server requires an TLS Certificate. For more information, see Encryption in SAS 9.4, which is located here: Encryption in SAS(R) 9.4.

Logging Level of ITRM Report Center

After installing ITRM Report Center, the logging level is set by default to Warn. Only those logging messages that are set for WARN, ERROR, or FATAL do appear in the ITRMReportCenter log file. Logging messages that are set for DEBUG or INFO do not appear.

Special Consideration for Clustered Middle-Tier Environments

Your administrator might create a new root path that your group is assigned to when you log on. If that root path does not belong to the local web application cache, it might not be refreshed unless you have access to that path.
A message is displayed in the status bar when a cache starts to be refreshed. If you see that message, you should not perform any operation until you see a message saying that the cache at your location completed successfully. Otherwise, you might not see the reports of newly updated cache root or you might experience other processing problems.

Signing Out of ITRM Report Center

To sign out from ITRM Report Center, click Sign Out in the upper right corner of the UI.
By default, if ITRM Report Center is open for 30 minutes with no activity, then a warning message appears. The message states that due to inactivity, your session will time out. It provides the amount of time that remains before the session times out. You can continue the session or sign out.