About the Administration Workspace

Administration Workspace Tasks

The IT Resource Management administrator has access to all workspaces and functions of ITRM Report Center, including all locations of the SAS Content Server. On the Administration workspace, an administrator can perform the following tasks:
  • View folders and reports that are stored in the SAS Content Server.
  • Create or delete SAS Content Server locations for reports.
    Note: To delete a repository, click the Delete location button on the Administration workspace. Do not use the SAS Content Server Admin Console or SAS Management Console to perform this action.
    After deleting a SAS Content Server root location, sign out of ITRM Report Center and then sign in again. This action enables you to avoid unexpected errors.
  • Assign SAS Content Server locations for access by groups that are members in the IT Resource Management: Report Center User role.
    SAS Content Server locations can also be shared with users who are Authenticated SASUsers, as denoted by IT Resource Management Report Center Viewers (SASUSERS) groups.
    After you have assigned a SAS Content Server root location to a user group, sign out of ITRM Report Center and then sign in again. This action enables you to avoid unexpected errors.
  • Purge reports from the SAS Content Server.
  • Refresh the ITRM Report Center cache.
Note: If a new group is created but is not yet assigned with a SAS Content Server location, a user from that group can still access reports in the SAS Content Server locations that are available to the IT Resource Management Report Center Viewers (SASUSERS) group.
For more information, see the Chapter 10, “Administrative Tasks” in the SAS IT Resource Management 3.7: Reporting Guide.
Note: Members of the IT Resource Management Administrators group have access to this and all other ITRM Report Center workspaces. SAS administrators (members of the Metadata Server: Unrestricted role) can access only the ITRM Report Center Administration workspace. They cannot access the other workspaces of ITRM Report Center.

Working with Multiple SAS Content Server Locations

By default, SAS IT Resource Management reports are written to <Middle-Tier-Server-Name>/SASContentServer/repository/default/sasdav/ITRM. All users of ITRM Report Center have access to this location.
Your site might want to create multiple locations to which IT Resource Management reports are written. Creating multiple locations enables you to control access to those reports by using SAS metadata-based application groups. To assign a group to a SAS Content Server location, that group must be a member of one of the following groups:
  • the IT Resource Management Report Center Viewer (SASUSERS) group
  • the default IT Resource Management Report Center User group
  • a custom IT Resource Management Report Center User group
For more detailed information about how to create and assign access to SAS Content Server locations that are used by SAS IT Resource Management, see the Chapter 10, “Administrative Tasks” in the SAS IT Resource Management 3.7: Reporting Guide.
If a user requires access to multiple SAS Content Server locations, then that user should be a member of multiple custom ITRM user groups. Alternatively, the user can be a member of the default ITRM user group and other custom ITRM user groups.